This work is an autobiographical look at life with a cat.
The project includes oil paintings, a cartoon story and a wood sculpture installation.
Cats are bystanders and protagonists in the works. In the paintings, cat figures bear witness to human contradictions. Alongside the drawings, I wrote stories about my own life and the changes in the world. The installation features a shamanic creature in a closet and a glass bottle. The bottle contains a memory of our late cat: cat poop.

Installation view, Gallery K, Vantaa 2023.

Flowers for a dead cat’s grave. Installation: wood, cat poop, dried flowers 100 x 30 x 40 cm, 2022

My cat’s last poo. Assemblage: glass bottle, cat poop, wooden frame. 41 x 33 x 12 cm, 2024.

A story about the cats in my life. Oil on canvas, 61 x 89 cm, 2024.

Risk of death. Oil on canvas, 35 x 45 cm, 2024.

Guardians of the Urn. Oil on canvas, 35 x 35 cm, 2024.