Butterflywings attached to a green jacket.

Wasp nest, pigment and wax on paper and cardboard, 2017.

Butterfly wings with harness.
Wasp’s nest, pigment on paper and cardboard.

Event “5000m2” Lappeenranta, Finland 2016.
BUTTERFLY WINGS FOR UGLY MEN OVER 50 Participative installation with butterfly wings (wax, pigment on paper and cartoon), mirror, curtain with caterpillar pattern, mask and a poster with a quote by Charles Bukowski: “Beauty is nothing, beauty won’t stay. You don’t know how lucky you are to be ugly, because if people like you, you know it’s for something else.”
This work was exhibited in joint exhibitions ArsAuttoinen 2016, Padasjoki and 5000m2, Lappeenranta 2016 and a version without participation at Charlottenburg Spring Exhibition 2017, Copenhagen.

Butterfly jacket.
Pigment and wax on paper and cardboard, jacket.

Butterfly vest.
Pigment and wax on paper, attached to vest,