Wild strawberries

Dried strawberries in glassbottles 25 x 10 x 20 cm, inkjet print, apron 60 x 70 cm. 2009 – 2016.
Anonymous messages on apron

A collection of expressions that talked about relationships and emotions. An apron piece from the newspaper’s text message section: “Lovely family. Yes in one way or another, but we don’t have any other option”.
“I guess my weakness is that I don’t know how to be alone”.
The messages and apron are from 2011-12.
Desire and caring

Ceramics, inkjet print on waxed paper, thermometer, cardboard box.
30 x 40 x 6 cm, 2016.

Desire and caring. Installation, 2016. Animal skulls (“unicorn”) on red apron, photo print and paper cuts from erotic magazines.
We collected textile fibres from our laundry drier

Textile fiber collected from a laundry dryer. Felted and waxed, attached to a wooden board. Textile fiber rolled in a box.77 x 91 / 24 x 42 x 27 cm, 2009.
Nipple fan

Plastic, wood, iron wire / Photograph, inkjet print size varies according to space, 2010.
He is crying

Photo print on underwear.
A pile of wooden ladders.

Installation that changes its shape. I carve a ladder every summer. I treat them with tar and leave out for the winter. This photograph of wooden ladders was a part of the installation called Now I’m 47, 2016.

Inkjet print 2014.

Wooden scythe. Birchwood, 2010.
Musti the Dog

A pet dog’s skull, plaster casts, a box decorated with fabric, wax and pigment. 51 x 30 x 25 cm, 1994-2010.